Monday, 25 July 2016

Live Webcam

Click below for a Live Webcam of Apparition Hill, Medugorje 

How it became a Pilgrimage site

Today after 9am mass, I adventured to find out how the Medugorje became the sacred pilgrimage site it is today.

I found out from a variety of sources that after the word got out that those six young Catholics had seen apparitions of Mary, many of the faithful wanted to come here and see the place where these had happened, and with the hope of it happening again. Since then, the site has attracted many visitors, not just of the faithful but also those who are atheist. From this, the site has grown into a well-renowned pilgrimage site devoted to Mary, Queen of Peace, and has allowed many to strengthen their Catholic faith through worship.

Video of Apparition hill from today 

Further more, I also who the six young Catholics were who saw the apparitions of Mary, did you know that some of them still have daily apparitions?
  • Ivanka Ivankovic - Elez - born in 1966, had daily apparitions till May 7, 1985. On that day, confiding to her last of ten secrets, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her entire life, she will have an apparition once a year on June 25, the anniversary of the apparitions. 
  • Mirjana Dragicevic - Soldo - born in 1965, had daily apparitions until December 25, 1982. On the last day of her apparitions, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her entire life she will have an apparition once a year on March 18, her birthday. Since August 2, 1987, on each second of the moth, she also receives and apparition and prays with Our Lady for unbelievers. 
  • Vicka Ivankovic - Born in 1964, still has daily apparitions. 
  • Marija Pavlovic - Lunetti - Born in 1965, still has daily apparitions. On the 25th of each month Our Lady gives Marija the monthly message meant for the parish and the entire world. 
  • Ivan Dragicevic - Born 1965, still has daily apparitions. 
  • Jakov Colo - Born in 1971, had daily apparitions until September 12, 1998. Our Lady told him that for the rest of his entire life he will have an apparition once a year on Christmas. 

Exploring Medugorje...What I found out

The 6:00am Church bells work me up this morning, so I decided to get up and go to 7:30am mass at the Church here. Beautiful Church and a beautiful service.

After mass, I began my adventure around Medugorje. I found out that Medugorje became a place of pilgrimage for millions of the faithful since six young Catholics saw apparitions of the Virgin Mary near the area now called Apparition Hill in 1981, June 24th at 6pm to be exact. These visionaries received messages from the Queen of Peace, and ten ‘secrets’ that will only be revealed at a given time in the future.

Photos from Apparition Hill  
The messages given to the visionaries by the Queen of Peace have stressed the importance of faith, prayer, fasting and conversion as a way of attaining both individual and world peace. These messages play a big part in strengthening our Catholic faith, and ensuring we take time to listen to the stories about Mary and what those stories are teaching us. With the queenship Mary has been given by her Son, she offers abiding mercy and compassion, interceding for all of God’s children. In the booked of Revelation 12:1, Mary’s status as queen is reflected, “and a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”

Our understanding of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth, deepens our connections to God. Medugorje has great significance in that the pilgrimage site holds sacred apparitions of Mary where she has given us messages and teachings from God in order to gain peace in our world, a world that God has created. It is in our best respect that we pay our devotions to Mary, for everything she has done in her power to ensure that the community comes together and units for peace and justice on earth.

From just one day of exploring this pilgrimage site, I am learning so much about Mary and the significance of the site which is really helping me understand why my faith has brought me here. As Catholics, we should pay attributes to this pilgrimage site as it significantly strengthens Catholic faith, thus deepening our connection to God. 

Thursday, 21 July 2016


Today I arrived at the Pilgrimage site Medugorje. I'm really exited to be here, and to explore the aspects of my Catholic faith that have brought me here. I didn't realise how close it is to my home country Slovenia! Tomorrow i'll begin my adventure throughout the site, but for now it's time for bed. Goodnight.

 Click Here for Medugorje Map and Satellite map!

Map of Medugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Map of Medugorje Site